


Will return all instances your Token has access to.

Parameters : None

Returns : Array of instances Instance object


Creates an instance. Returns : an instance object Parameters posted as JSON:

Field Type Description
name string Name to give the instance
path or gitReference string path on the vagrant-worker or git reference
environment string what environment to assign the instance
host int ID of the host to create the instance on
state string “create”
async bool Is it an async call ?



Will return a single instance if your Token has access.

Parameters : Integer, instance ID

Returns : A single Instance object with detailed status or a 404 error page.


Delete the specified instance



returns a list of command IDs ordered from recent to old.


Run the actions on the specific instance.

Parameters posted as JSON:

Field Type Values
action string start,stop,status,runScript,reload,rsync
machine string specific machine name to run the action on


Run vagrant rsync (will fail if it is not supported by the provider)

machine is optional. ex: {“action”:”rsync”,”machine”:”www”}


This will execute the script defined in jeto.json. machine is mandatory.

ex: {“action”:”runScript”,”machine”:”www”,”script”:”status”}

/api/instances/<id>/commands/<command id>


returns the state of the command

Returned objects

Instance object

Status object

Field Type Description
name string The name of the machine (default if not provided by Vagrant standard)
ip string The first IP found on the machine
status string The status of the machine returned by Vagrant (running, poweroff, depends on your provider).

Jeto Infos object

Every instance can provide a jeto.json file that include arbitrary values to be passed along to all vagrant commands. This object is a simple Array containing all key-value in the jeto.json file.