.. _projects: Projects ======== .. _object-project: Project object -------------- =========== =============================== =========== Field Type Description =========== =============================== =========== base_path string path on the system git_address string git url id int project ID instances Array of :ref:`object-instance` list of instances related to project =========== =============================== =========== /api/projects ------------- GET ^^^ Gets a list of projects Returns : POST ^^^^ Creates a Projet Parameters posted as JSON: ======================== ====== =========== Field Type Description ======================== ====== =========== base_path or git_address string path on the system or git address name string project name state string "create" ======================== ====== =========== /api/projects//git-references --------------------------------- **Parameters** : int, project ID GET ^^^ Returns a list of git references related to the project